Lathi charge full movie


The story of "Lathi Charge" revolves around a small-town setting in India, where the local community faces socio-political turmoil. The film explores the challenges and conflicts that arise when the residents unite to protest against injustices, corruption, and the misuse of power by the authorities.

The title, "Lathi Charge," alludes to the forceful suppression of protests by the police using batons or lathis, and the film delves into the consequences and aftermath of such incidents. It sheds light on the resilience of the common people and their fight for justice and equality.

The film's narrative is expected to be both gripping and emotionally charged, highlighting the struggles, sacrifices, and determination of the characters as they take a stand against the prevailing issues. "Lathi Charge" aims to address pertinent social issues and ignite discussions on the importance of grassroots movements, community unity, and standing up against oppression.

The movie is anticipated to offer a thought-provoking and intense cinematic experience, combining powerful storytelling with stellar performances. "Lathi Charge" is highly anticipated by both fans and critics, and it is expected to make a significant impact on the Bollywood film industry.


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